Spotify client is the streaming player that fetches and plays various songs from the cloud servers of Spotify. It needs an internet connection to run and also offers a web player that works on the browser to play songs. However, if you want to install its client application on Manajro Linux then here is the tutorial.
Install Spotify on Manjaro Linux
There are two ways to download Spotify client on Majario Linux, one is using the command line terminal and the other via Graphical user interface. We show you both.
#Command line
Open a command terminal and run the update command
Go to Applications and search for Terminal. Open it and run the below command to update repos and packages installed on the system already.
sudo pacman -Syu
Command to install Spotify on Manjaro
As out of the box Manajro comes with Snap repository and service, thus we can easily install Spotify with just one command, that is
sudo snap install spotify
To uninstall
sudo snap remove spotify
#GUI method
Open Add/remove software
From the Applications, search for “Add/remove software“. Open it and then click on the three dots given on the right top side to select “Preferences“.
Enable Snap Repo
Go to the Snap tab and enable it by using the toggle button. After that close it.
Download Spotify using GUI software manager
Now, go to the search icon available at the top left side. Search for Spotify, when it appears, click on the Install button.