Use SNAP to install Docker on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux

Use SNAP to install Docker on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux

Docker installation on Ubuntu 24.04 can be done by adding its official repository; however, there is another easy way, i.e., using the SNAP. Snap is a popular universal package manager that works on almost all Linux distros. It can be used to install Docker using …

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What is the difference between OpenVZ and Docker?

difference between OpenVZ and Docker

In the modern world, where PC hardware is getting extremely powerful and advanced, we cannot bear the wastage of computing resources, therefore virtualization technology is the only solution to fully use their capabilities. So, to ensure the user will have the benefit of virtualization as …

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How to Tag existing Docker images

Tag existing Docker images

When it comes to orchestrating muli-container applications Docker’s Compose tool becomes handy. We can create a single configuration file to quickly deploy and scale multiple containers using it. Whereas, Tags allow you to track different versions of your application. This is essential for ensuring consistency …

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How to install Docker on Amazon Linux 2023

Installing Docker on Amazon Linux 2023

Installing Docker on Amazon Linux 2023 server system will allow users a seamless and efficient way to deploy and manage applications within isolated containers. Docker doesn’t need an introduction because it has already been used by hundreds of administrators for deploying multiple applications on single …

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How to install Docker using SNAP on Ubuntu Linux

install Docker using SNAP on Ubuntu Linux

One of the quickest ways to install Docker on Ubuntu Linux, such as 22.04, 20.04, and other versions, is to use the SNAP command; here, we learn how to do so. Docker doesn’t need an introduction to those who work with containerized-based apps. It is …

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