How to install Windows 10 calculator app on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Windows 10 calculator app for Linux, sounds a little bit wired, right? But being an open-source application this is absolutely possible and already has been done by Uno Platform.

Although, most of the Linux distros with GUI desktop environments come with their own calculator application, enough to calculate all day to day calculations. However, in case you are fond of the Windows 10 calculator application and want the same on your own Linux distro then that is also possible. As Uno Platform that deals in application coding have ported the open-source code of Windows 10 Calculator available on Github for Linux platforms.

Not only porting but they have also published the Calculator app on Snap repository to install, which means it is not only limited to some single Linux OS, instead of available for a wide range of open-source operating systems such as Linux Mint, Kali, CentOS, Fedora RedHat, Manjaor, Arch Linux, MX Linux, Debian, Elementary, OpenSUSE, etc. can install Windows’s default Calculator app using it.

Well, this application is available in the SNAP repo under the name of Uno Calculator because of the Microsoft rights on the Windows branding. However, that doesn’t matter, the thing which we really need is the same interface and functionality we are having on Windows 10 platforms while using its default calc. app.

As I mentioned Uno Platform is a developing platform, it uses the Mono project to build all open source applications so that they could be easily run on any Linux platform regardless of its codebase. It uses the Skia rendering engine to draw the UI.

1. Open Command terminal

If you are on Ubuntu platforms then can open the command terminal using the keyboard shortcut keys- CTRL+ALT+T. Whereas those distros don’t support it, simply go to All Applications and search for “Terminal”.


2. Check SNAP installation

All the latest Ubuntu operating systems come out of the box with SNAP support, however, Debian, Linux Mint, and others may not have it. Therefore, we need to first install the SNAP on our Linux systems to install Uno Calculator.  Check out– How to install SNAP on Linux Mint 20 whereas other operating systems can see our articles- Snap on Linux- Installation, update and delete commands

snap --version


sudo systemctl status snapd

Check SNAP installtion


3. Install Windows Calculator app on Ubuntu

Finally, run the snap command on your Linux distros to install the Uno calculator app ported from Windows 10 calc. application’s source code.

snap install uno-calculator

windows 10 calculcator app install Linux


4. Run Uno Calculator

Once the installation is done, go to all applications and search for UNO, as its logo appears click on it to start the Windows 10 calculator app on Linux.

Uno Calculator app ubuntu

Digital calc Interface Windows 10 calculator install Ubuntu 20

Windows 10 calculator install Ubuntu 20.04 linux

Windows 10 Uno calculcator

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