How to Install WHM CPanel on Almalinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9

WHM cPanel is a popular software that provides a web-based control panel for command-line servers. Cpanel allows users to easily manage websites, emails, databases, and other server configurations using a graphical user interface. This article will show how to install WHM Cpanel in Almalinux 9, an open-source community-driver enterprise Linux based on RHEL.


  • AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9 Server
  • A minimum of 2 GB RAM, although 4 GB or more is recommended for optimal performance.
  • Root or Sudo user access
  • Internet connection
  • At least 20GB of free disk space
  • 4 GB or more RAM on the server
  • Static IP address
  • A valid hostname (e.g., is set on the server.

Step 1: Switch to Root

It is recommended that you first switch to the root user to perform a smooth installation without repeatedly using ” sudo.”

sudo su

Step 2: Update Almalinux or Rocky Linux 9 Server

Update your Almalinux 9 or Rocky 9 Linux before installing the CPanel to ensure that everything on the system is in its current state. Here is the command to follow on your terminal:

sudo dnf update -y

Step 2: Set the Hostname for CPanel

To ensure the proper functioning of cPanel, it is recommended that the server’s hostname be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Replace with your desired hostname.

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname

Verify the hostname change:


Step 3: Disable your Linux FirewallD

Disabling the system firewall is recommended to ensure that the WHM CPanel installer won’t be interrupted.

iptables-save > ~/firewall.rules
systemctl stop firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service

Step 4: Disable Almalinux or Rocky SELinux

Apart from the system firewall, disable SELinux to make AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9 system compatible with cPanel & WHM.

SELinux must be disabled for cPanel installation. Edit the SELinux configuration file to disable it:

sudo nano /etc/selinux/config

Find the line SELINUX=enforcing and change it to:


Save the file (Ctrl + O, Enter, Ctrl + X) and reboot the server to apply the changes:

sudo reboot

Step 5: Install Perl and Curl

cPanel also requires Perl and Curl to run the installation script, so using the given command, install them

sudo dnf install -y perl curl

Step 6: Download and Run the cPanel Installation Script

Navigate to your home directory and download the latest cPanel installation script using the following command:

cd /home
curl -o latest -L

Step 7: Run the installation script:

After downloading, we start executing the downloaded script using the given command. Depending on the server resources and network speed, it will take 15 to 20 minutes.

sudo sh latest

Step 8: Access the cPanel WHM Interface

Once this process is completed, we can access cPanel, go to a browser, and enter the following line in the address bar:  https://Server_IP: 2087. Replace Server_IP with your IP address or fully qualified domain name.

Also, if you a cloud hosting services then don’t forget to open following ports as per the requirements to access WHM and CPanel:

  • cPanel – Port : 2082
  • cPanel – SSL Port: 2083
  • WHM Port: 2086
  • WHM – SSL Port: 2087

You will see “Your connection is not private” message, this indicates that the connection to the site is not secure because of no SSL. To bypass this, click the Advanced button and proceed with the “Continue to IP address (unsafe)” link. This will add the appropriate exception in the new window to allow the connection with cPanel.

https error in browser

The following window appears. In it, you must enter your AlmaLinux root user and password to access data for cPanel. After that Accept the Terms and Conditions..

Login WHM on AlmaLinux 8


Step 9 Apply for Cpanel & WHM Trail license.

Log in to the cPanel store using the button provided. If you don’t have an account with the WHM service, you can create one. After you log in, a 15-day free trial license will be issued.

Cpanel & WHM Trail license

Enter the email address and the name of your hosting service. If you have a nameserver, configure it. If you don’t know about it, search online for it.

Activate Cpanel 15 Days License Almalinux
15 Days Trial License Rocky or Almalinux WHM Cpanel
set Nameserver

Step 10. WHM Dashboard

Finally, if you have installed WHM on AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9, you can now create a cPanel account to host a website.

WHM Cpanel installation on Almalinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9


Step 11: Configuration paths for cPanel and WHM files

Here are a few directories for cPanel installed items, in case any of you want to access it manually on AlmaLinux 8 using the command line-

  • CPanel directories
  • Third-party tools
  • Directories of addons or cPanel add-ons
  • Essential files like PHPMyAdmin, themes
  • CPanel binaries
  • CGI files
  • Access to cPanel & Error event files
  • WHM files
  • Apache configuration
  • Configuration of the Exim mail server
  • Named configuration files
  • Configuration files ProFTP and Pureftpd
 /etc/proftpd.conf and /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
  • CPanel user files
  • CPanel configuration files (tweak settings)
  • Network configuration files
  • Addons and subdomain information
  • CPanel update files
  • Clamav configuration files
  • MySQL configuration files
  • PHP.ini configuration files

These were quick steps to configure Cpanel and WHM on AlmaLinux for web hosting, device management, and associated account management.

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