What is the Tar command in Linux?

Tar command in Linux

The tar in Linux is a commonly used lightweight command line tool for creating file archives and compressing them. Not only for archiving, but users can also use it for extracting, and manipulating existing archives as well. The name “tar” derived from “tape archive” because …

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How to Install Git in Debian 12 bookworm

How to Install Git in Debian 12 bookworm min

Git is an essential version control system and tool when it comes to managing code in software development and maintain different versions of a code. Even GitHub is powered by Git. If you’re a Debian 12 user then can easily install Git on your system …

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What is Sourcetree and Bitbucket?

whats is SourceTree and BitBucket min

In this article, we discuss quickly and understand what exactly is the difference between Sourcetree and Bitbucket. This helps beginners to start with these two Git tools. What is SourceTree? Sourcetree is a software to provide a graphical interfaced Git and Mercurial client to developers …

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8 Best free Cloud Web hosting Control Panels for 2024

Free Cloud Web hosting Control Panels

List of some best cloud hosting control panels to host websites or various PHP applications such as Wordpess on Linux servers like Debian, CentOS, and Ubuntu… VPS and Cloud hosting services come with full root access where users can select the Linux operating system of …

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Why Do Hackers Use Kali Linux?

Why Do Hackers Use Kali Linux

Kali is the most popular and commonly used Linux by hackers to perform penetration testing or hacking. However, nowadays “hackers” term is not only used for the wrong group of people to perform “Black hat hacking”. There are ethical hackers those do white hat hacking …

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