How to install Java 17 on Amazon linux 2023

Installing Java 17 on Amazon 2023 Linux

Java 17 version released by Oracle comes with new features and improvements to the Java programming language. If you’re running Amazon Linux 2023 and need to install Java 17, then Corretto is the best way to get it. Here in this quick guide, we take …

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How to install Java 8/11 on Amazon Linux 2023

Installing Java in Amazon Linux 2023

Here we go through the commands available to install Java 11 or 8 on Amazon Linux 2023 for production or business applications in your cloud infrastructure. Java is available through the Amazon 2023 repositories as Corretto. But, what is Amazon Corretto? Amazon Corretto is a …

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How to Clone a JavaScript object – Example

Javascript tutorial

To correctly clone a JavaScript object, you can use the Object.assign() method to create a new object with the properties of the original object. Here’s an example: Keep in mind that Object.assign() creates a shallow copy of the object, meaning that any nested objects or …

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How to detect mouse wheel event in javascript?

Javascript tutorial

To detect mouse wheel events in JavaScript, you can use the addEventListener() method to register a function that will be called whenever a “wheel” event is fired. Here’s an example: In the above example, the addEventListener() method registers a function that will be called whenever …

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How to Find JAVA_HOME in Linux

Find the Java Home in Linux

What is Java_Home? It is an environment variable that is nothing but a location or directory where after the installation of Java on Linux, Windows, or mac we can find the java executables such as java, javac, and keytool. Being an environment variable, we don’t …

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