Installing Jellyfin Media Server on Ubuntu 24.04 Server Linux

Creating your media server using some open-source software like Jellyfin is surely going to help you manage and stream a collection of media across various devices. This can be useful especially when you have a closed community.

What is a Jellyfin media server?

Jellyfin media server as its name suggests is an open-source software that allows users to share their media collection with others either using a local network or the internet. Also, unlike other proprietary Media servers, Jellyfin is completely free and self-hosted, providing complete control over your media library without subscription fees or privacy concerns. So, it will be a choice to mull for those who want to set up their own home media server.

What do we need?

  • To follow this tutorial and install Jellyfin, we need Ubuntu 24.04, but you can also use other versions such as Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04.
  • Apart from that, a user account with administrative access to install and configure packages.
  • To download the necessary packages and updates, we also need a stable and active internet connection.

Step 1: Update Ubuntu 24.04 and install Dependencies

On your Ubuntu 24.04 server, first run the system update command to install the latest available security and other package updates.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install common dependencies:

sudo apt install -y ffmpeg curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg2

Step 2: Add JellyFin Repository

Even though JellyFin is an open-source package but not something we need in our daily tasks, hence not available to install directly using the default Ubuntu system repository. Hence, let’s add the official repo of JellyFin by following the given commands:

Add GPG key:

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/jellyfin.gpg

Add Repository:

echo "deb [arch=$( dpkg --print-architecture )]$( awk -F'=' '/^ID=/{ print $NF }' /etc/os-release ) $( awk -F'=' '/^VERSION_CODENAME=/{ print $NF }' /etc/os-release ) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list

Run the system update to refresh the APT repo cache:

sudo apt update

Step 3: Installing Jellyfin on Ubuntu 24.04

Now, we can install the Jellyfin media server using the APT package manager on Ubuntu 24.04 like any other common package. Execute the given command and you will be done with the installation process.

sudo apt install jellyfin
Command to get JellyFin

Step 4: Start JellyFin service and mark it enabled

Once the installation is completed, let’s start the Jellyfin Media server service on Ubuntu 24.04 and enable the same, so that it could automatically get started with system boot.

sudo systemctl enable jellyfin

sudo systemctl start jellyfin

You can also check whether everything is running properly or not by using :

sudo systemctl status jellyfin --no-pager -l

Step 5: Allow media server port in the firewall

The default port used by the Jellyfin media server is 8096 and if you are using some firewall such as UFW or those who are using cloud hosting to run Ubuntu 24.04, open this port number in their cloud service firewall.

If you are using an active UFW firewall then use the given command:

sudo ufw allow 8096

Step 6: Access Jellyfin media server GUI

As everything is in position, our open-source media server is up and running, thus it is time to let’s access the Jellyfin web interface using the browser. If you are using a command-line server to set it up, then use some other local machine available to access the remote server where you have installed the Jellyfin.

In the browser, type the IP address of the server where Jellyfin has been installed along with port number 8096. Whereas if you are using the Jellyfin installed server in GUI with browser access then we can use localhost or




Note: Replace the IP address with your server address.

You will get the welcome screen to set up Jellyfin further.

Step 7: Set Username and Password

Click on the Next button to start the Jellyfin media server setup. The next screen will appear for setting up the username and password for Admin and will have all the access to add/remove content and other settings.

Set Username and Password for JellyFin server

Step 9: Add Library

Click on the + button, first select the category type, for media content files such as music, videos, and images, and then type the path of the folder where you have to save the media you want to play on Jellyfin. For example, I selected the Music category and then entered the path of the folder where I have saved my music files.

You can add multiple folders to your library right here or after whenever you want.

Music and Video library min

In case you want to use a smartphone and other devices to remotely connect Jellyfin using the internet then enable the “Allow remote connections to this Jellyfin Server” option. However, to access the server residing behind a local router and using a local IP address, to access it via the internet, the user has to forward its Jellyfin port manually.

Configure Remote access min

Step 10: Log in to Jellyfin Server

Enter the username and password to log in, and then you will have the Interface of Jellyfin in your browser to access the music, videos, and other media files.

Login open source media server min
Music Library min

In case you want to add some more Library or media folders in Jellyfin, then go to Dashboard, select libraries, and then “Add Media library”.

Add music to Jillyfin min

Options to restart and shut down the server are also present under Dashboard.

Dashboard Jillyfin min

Step 11. How to Update/Upgrade

As we have used the official JellyFin repository to install it, we can use the system update and upgrade command to get the latest available updates.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 12. Uninstall Jellyfin Media Server

Those who are not interested in this open-source media server anymore and want to completely remove it from their Ubuntu 24.04 server, can execute the given commands.

sudo autoremove install jellyfin --purge

To remove the repository as well.

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list

JellyFin Clients

This open-source media server supports multiple client applications to stream music and videos from the server. Thus, for the same, we can download Jellyfin Client as per our devices such as Firestick, Android TV, iPhone, Kodi, Roku, and more.

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