Install Postgresql 13 on AWS Ec2 Amazon linux 2

Developers of PostgreSQL call this platform “The world’s most advanced open-source database”. PostgreSQL is available for Linux including for other common operating systems such as macOS, Windows, and BSD. PostgreSQL implements the 2008 SQL standard very comprehensively. In addition to common data types, the database can also natively handle XML and version 9.2 with data in JSON format. Here we learn the steps to install PostgreSQL on Amazon Linux 2 running on an AWS ec2 instance.

What do you need to install PostgreSQL Database?


Postgresql 13 installation on AWS Ec2 Amazon Linux 2

1. Add PostgreSQL Yum Repository

Packages to install the latest stable PostgreSQL 13 database server & client (while writing the article) on Amazon Linux 2 are not available via the core repository. Hence, we have to add one manually.

Just paste the below given whole block of command and hit the Enter key.

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pgdg.repo<<EOF
name=PostgreSQL 13 for RHEL/CentOS 7 - x86_64

Add postgresql repository on Amazon Linux 2


2. Run system update

Once you have added the repository using the command given above, just use the Yum Package manager to run the system update command. This will let Amazon Linux 2 know that we have recently added a new repo.

sudo yum update


3. Command to install PostgreSQL on Amazon Linux 2

The thing we need to get this Database server’s version 13 is already in place, now it’s time to simply run the installation command to get the Server and Client packages.

sudo yum install postgresql13 postgresql13-server

PostgreSQL on Amazon Linux 2


4. Initial database configurations

After installation, let’s initialize the PostgreSQL Database using initdb that will create a new PostgreSQL database cluster refers to a collection of databases managed by a single server instance.

sudo /usr/pgsql-13/bin/postgresql-13-setup initdb


5. Enable and Start PostgreSQL Service

We have successfully initialized the Database, it’s time to start and enable the Database service so that it can start automatically after every system reboot.

sudo systemctl start postgresql-13
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-13

Check the status of the Service.

sudo systemctl status postgresql-13

Start PostgreSQL Service on EC2 Linux


6. Secure PostgreSQL default Database

To make sure our PostgreSQL is secured with a strong password,  set a password for its system user and then default database admin user account using below given commands-

Change user password

sudo passwd postgres

Login using Postgres system account-

su - postgres

Now, change the Admin database password-

psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'your-password';"

Note: Replace your-password in the above with a secure password that you want to set for the admin database user.

Know more abouthow to create a Database on PostgreSQL.



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