How to Install or Enable Cockpit on AlmaLinux 8

The Cockpit on AlmaLinux is a server management platform that allows administrators to easily manage and control their GUI or CLI Linux server systems remotely using a browser. Among other things, admins can take a look at the systemd journal, check the load or start and stop services. It has a responsive design thus we can also use it conveniently on tablet s and smartphones.

We can monitor our remote server performance using just a browser without actually having physical access to it. Furthermore, we can also access the command shell with root access to issue commands and install various packages over the server remotely.

Since AlmaLinux 8 is based on RHEL just like CentOS 8, this means by default out of the box, the Cockpit is already installed on your system. Just we need to enable it.

Install Cockpit on AlmaLinux

However, in case you don’t have Cockpit pre-installed, then use the below command to get it.

sudo yum install cockpit


Enable Cockpit server management

Whereas, as I mentioned, the Cockpit is already there on the system, but to access it first we need to enable this same using the below command syntax. This will start Cockpit atomically with system boot.

sudo systemctl enable cockpit.socket


Start its Service

Now, we have to start its service using the below command, so that we can use Cockpit to manage our AlmaLinux.

sudo systemctl start cockpit


Check the Cockpit Service status

Once the service has been started let’s check whether it is running without producing any error.

sudo systemctl status cockpit

Install and Run cockpit on AlmaLinux 8


Login and Access AlmaLinux Server using Cockpit

First, you should know your server Ip address to access it via Cockpit. So, in your command terminal type-

ip a

The above command will show you the current Ip-address of your Server.

Now, go to any system that can access the Server IP address remotely and open the browser application in that.

Enter cockpit installed AlmaLinux server IP-address along with port number 9090.


Example– 192.4168.0.0105:9090

If you are seeing an SSL error, then click on the Advanced button and Continue unsafe.

SSL error COCKpit


Enter the username and password of your AlmaLinux to log in to Cockpit.

Login Cockpit Almalinux 8


Here is the Dashboard with key information such as Server Health, CPU & Memory Usage, configuration, System information, and more…

Cockpit Dashboard installed on AlmaLinux


Other Articles:

How to install Cockpit Server manager on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Unable to search for images in Cockpit Podman Container


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