How to Install 7-Zip on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Linux

Start compressing your file by installing 7-Zip on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish using the command terminal or GUI interface.

7-Zip is a popular free and open-source ZIP program that allows you to create and unzip archive files, also the RAR format is supported. It helps us to compress files and documents as well as unpack compressed folders. 7-Zip supports 7z, ZIP, RAR, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB, and NSIS formats. However, it achieves the highest compression rate with the in-house 7z format. With the 7z format, you can even create self-extracting archives. In addition to the graphical interface, 7-Zip has a powerful command-line version.

Steps to install 7-Zip on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux

The steps given here can be used for other Ubuntu versions such as 20.04/18.04 including Debian, Linux Mint, POP_OS, Elementary OS, and other similar Linux.

Perform a System update

In this tutorial we will use the APT package manager and system default source repository, hence first, run the system update command to refresh and rebuild its cache.

sudo apt update

Install 7-zip on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

#For the latest version:

Those who are looking for the latest existing version of 7-Zip Linux can download it directly from its official website. So, visit and right-click on the Download link of the version you want to install. As shown in the screenshot:

Download 7Zip for Linux

After that go to your Ubuntu command terminal and use the wget tool and the copied link to download it.


wget -O 7z paste-the-link


wget -O 7z.tar.xz

Once downloaded, extract the files reside inside the folder:

tar -xf 7z.tar.xz --one-top-level

Now, switch to the folder and move the executable to /usr/local/bin folder

 cd 7z

copy the executable file:

sudo cp 7zz /usr/local/bin/7z

Now to check the version type:

7z -h
Install latest version of 7z in Ubuntu

#For the version available through the default system repository:

The installation of 7-zip doesn’t require any third-party repository; we can install it using Ubuntu’s default repo but unfortunately, the version through is not the latest one. Hence, just run the given command that uses the APT package manager to install the 7-zip complete package.

sudo apt install p7zip-full

To check its version and options to use, we can use:

7z -h
7zip install on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy

7Zip Command line to compress files

7-zip offers a quick command-line method to create archive files in the terminal using 7Zip will be:

7z a folder-name.7z folder-name

Therefore, for example, if we say the folder name that we want to compress is “pics” then the command will be like this

7z a pics.7z pics

To use any other archive format use that extension, for example, to get the archive in zipped format, the command will be like this way:

7z a pics

Here is the output:

Use the command line to compress files using p7zip

To List the content of the file

If you want to see what is inside some archive but without extracting it, then that is possible using the given command syntax:

7z l Archive-file-Name

Export files

If you want all files to be exported to a folder without keeping the folder structure, the following command can be used.

7z e -y ArchivName.7z -o [TargetFolder]

Creating an archive – Example of highest compression:

Those who want to control the compression level of the file can go for the given 7-zip command syntax.

7z u -mx=9 ArchivName.7z FolderToCompress/*

-mx=9, the number 9 is the level of compression that you can reduce if needed.

Create an Archive with a password

Do you want to create a password for the file or folder you are compressing? Then that can be possible as well using 7-zip. Here is the command syntax:

7z a archivefile.7z target-folder -p


archivefile.7z –  It is the file name that you want to use for your compressed folder, replace it with whatever you want with 7z other supported extensions by 7-zip.

Target folder – It is the folder or file on your system that you want to compress or create an archive.

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