Download and install Pronterface (3D printer) on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Learn how to install ProItnerface on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS using the printrun package in using the command terminal.

Pronterface – also known as Printrun – is a free open-source software for Windows, (older Macs) and Linux intended to control the 3D printer via the USB interface. It has a terminal window that can be used to send targeted commands to the printer and log errors, a temperature graph to control the heaters, and a manual control panel for axis control.

Pronterface is very useful for configuration/tuning and diagnostics. Normally, Pronterface is not required, the main benefit lies in the configuration of the printer by means of the M-codes of the respective printer firmware and the monitoring in case of problems. You can start Pronterface before starting a print and then simply listen in.

Steps to install Pronterface -printurn on Ubuntu 22.04

The steps given in this tutorial will be the same for other Ubuntu-based operating systems such as Linux Mint, POP OS, and more…

1. Update Ubuntu 22.04

Open your command terminal, for that, there is a keyboard shortcut – Ctrl+A+T. After that run the system update command, which will install the available updates on our system.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


2. Install Printrun on Linux

Printrun is a package available via the default system repository of Ubuntu 22.04. It offers a full suite of host interfaces for 3D printers and CNC. The package consists Printcore, a standalone non-interactive G-Code sender
Pronsole, an interactive command-line host, and Pronterface, a graphical host software with the same functionality as Pronsole. So, let’s install Printrun using the given command:

sudo apt install printrun

Those who only want the PronInterface that provides GUI can run:

sudo apt install pronterface


3. Launch ProInterface on Ubuntu 22.04

Once the installation of Printrun is completed that provides all the required packages to manage 3D printers. Go to the Activities link and there search for ProInterface, as its icon appears click to run the same. You will also have shortcuts for Slic3r, Plater, and Pronsole.


4. How to update

We have used the system repository to install the Printrun, therefore, to get its latest version when available through the system repository, run:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


5. Uninstall Printrun from Ubuntu 22.04

To completely remove the Printrun and other packages such as ProInterface from Ubuntu 22.04 LTS completely use the given command syntax:

sudo apt autoremove --purge printrun


5 thoughts on “Download and install Pronterface (3D printer) on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS”

  1. All is good, but the software is pronterface, not prointerface, copy/paste won’t work on your install command:
    sudo apt install prointerface
    sudo apt install pronterface

    After this command:
    sudo apt install printrun
    pronterface morphed into prointerface

  2. = grid, extrusion_width = extrusion_width, bgcolor = bgcolor, realparent = self)
    File “/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/printrun/”, line 197, in __init__
    self.mainpen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0), penwidth)
    TypeError: Pen(): arguments did not match any overloaded call:
    overload 1: too many arguments
    overload 2: argument 1 has unexpected type ‘Colour’
    overload 3: argument 2 has unexpected type ‘float’
    overload 4: argument 1 has unexpected type ‘Colour’


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