Install IBM Cloud Command Line Interface on Linux

What is the IBM cloud command-line interface?

If you are a user of the IBM cloud then definitely you use the command-line interface to manage different applications and also to developed various apps. Thus, over the traditional command-line shell of Linux, you can download and install the IBM developed cloud CLI with the plugin feature to make it more advance. This not only helps the users to manage IBM cloud efficiently but also gives access to various developer tools.

The key benefits of using it are:

  • Installation is possible using just a single command on Linux.
  • CLI plugins are available to extend functionality for developing and deployment.
  • It can easily be integrated with services like AI and Kubernetes.

Here we install IBM Cloud CLI on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, however, the below-given script will be the same for all kinds of available Linux versions.

sudo curl -fsSL | sh

The above command download and run a script to install the IBM CLI on your existing terminal.

Other than Linux, for macOS the command will be:

curl -fsSL | sh

And for Windows, open Powershell and run.

iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

To confirm the installation type:


This will be output:

h2s@h2smedia:~$ ibmcloud
ibmcloud - A command line tool to interact with IBM Cloud
Find more information at:

[environment variables] ibmcloud [global options] command [arguments...] [command options]


api Set or view target API endpoint
login Log user in
target Set or view the targeted region, account, resource group, org or space
config Write default values to the config
update Update CLI to the latest version
logout Log user out
regions List all the regions
version Print the version
resource Manage resource groups and resources
iam Manage identities and access to resources
dev Create, develop, deploy, and monitor applications
app [Deprecated] Manage Cloud Foundry applications and application related domains and routes.
service [Deprecated] Manage Cloud Foundry services.
billing Retrieve usage and billing information
plugin Manage plug-ins and plug-in repositories
cf Run Cloud Foundry CLI with IBM Cloud CLI context
catalog Manage catalog
account Manage accounts, users, orgs and spaces
enterprise Manage enterprise, account groups and accounts.
cfee Manage Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environments
kui Kui Visual Terminal
sl Manage Classic infrastructure services
help, h Show help

Enter 'ibmcloud help [command]' for more information about a command.

IBMCLOUD_COLOR=false Do not colorize output
IBMCLOUD_ANALYTICS=false Do not collect usage statistics for analytics
IBMCLOUD_VERSION_CHECK=false Do not check latest version for update
IBMCLOUD_HTTP_TIMEOUT=5 A time limit for HTTP requests
IBMCLOUD_API_KEY=api_key_value API Key used for login
IBMCLOUD_TRACE=true Print API request diagnostics to stdout
IBMCLOUD_TRACE=path/to/trace.log Append API request diagnostics to a log file
IBMCLOUD_HOME=path/to/dir Path to config directory

--version, -v Print the version
--help, -h Show help

To see various plugin installations for IBM CLI see the official link. However, the one plugin which I like personally is the KUI, a graphical terminal plugin for IBM cloud CLI.

This will give a beautiful CLI interface with clickable elements. For example, if you want to edit some file then simply click on that on the terminal itself and a sidebar window will open to edit it.

The installation of the KUI IBM plugin goes like this:

ibmcloud plugin install
ibmcloud kui

IBMCloud command line interface installation on Linux min

To uninstall or remove any installed plugin on IBM CLI.

ibmcloud plugin uninstall kui


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